BOSC 2019 Schedule (2020 schedule is coming soon!)
Schedule at a glance
Download the program without the abstracts [PDF, 15 pages]
Download the complete program including abstracts [PDF, 147 pages]
Note to speakers
Please copy your slides to the podium computer during the break before your session. Also, we encourage presenters to upload their slides to the BOSC F1000 collection.
Full Schedule
We encourage presenters to upload their posters to the BOSC F1000 collection.
Post-BOSC CollaborationFest
BOSC runs a collaborative work event (formerly called CodeFest, and now called CollaborationFest, or CoFest for short) before or after the conference. At these events, participants work together to contribute to bioinformatics software, documentation, training materials, and use cases. This year’s CoFest will take place the two days after BOSC, July 26-27, at The Swiss Innovation Hub for Personalized Medicine in Basel, Switzerland. Registration is informal and free.
Sponsorships from private companies and organizations help to defray some of our costs. Please see the Sponsors page for more information. If you would like to be a sponsor of BOSC, please contact us at!
BOSC 2019 Sponsors