
BOSC Abstract Submission

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The Bosc Pear

Submit your abstract here!

The deadline for abstract submissions is Friday, April 4, 2014'.

Accepted talks will be 5-20 minutes. You will be notified of the length of your talk upon abstract acceptance.

BOSC also includes poster sessions. If you want to present a poster and would like your poster abstract to be included in the BOSC program, please submit it by June 4. There may be also an opportunity to submit last-minute abstracts for lightning talks, time permitting.

Abstract Formatting Requirements

Abstracts must be one page (8.5 inches by 11 inches) in length and submitted as a PDF (preferred) or Microsoft Word file only.

Please format your abstract as follows:

  • Use 1 inch (2.5 cm) margins on the top, sides, and bottom of the page.
  • Include the following pieces of information in order from the top of the page:
    • Title
    • Authors, with the presenting author's name underlined.
    • Author affiliations, including the e-mail address of the presenting author.
    • URL for the overall project web site
    • URL for accessing the code
    • The particular Open Source License being used
  • The abstracts will be printed "as is" in the program booklet; please help your all-volunteer Organizing Committee by following the formatting guidelines above.

To be considered for acceptance, software systems representing the central topic in a presentation submitted to BOSC must be licensed with a recognized Open Source License, and be freely available for download in source code form. Please see the next section for more information.

Submit your abstract here!

BOSC Open Source License Requirement

The Open Bioinformatics Foundation, which sponsors BOSC, is dedicated to promoting the practice and philosophy of Open Source Software Development within the biological research community. For this reason, if a submitted abstract concerns a specific software system for use by the research community, then that software must be licensed with a recognized Open Source License, and be available for download, including source code, by a tar/zip file accessed through ftp/http or through a widely used version control system like cvs/subversion/git/bazaar/Mercurial.

See the following websites for further information:

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